
Land South of Milton Interchange, Oxfordshire

Glanville has been acting for a group of landowners for over 10 years, to devise a highway access strategy to help facilitate the development of land to the southeast of Milton Interchange, off the A34 in Oxfordshire.

Glanville sought to secure consent for a range of land uses compatible with ‘trunk road services’ which included securing consent for a new signal controlled junction onto the A4130 to serve the land in question, along with a new loop road that links the junction to an existing BP forecourt.

Glanville prepared the Transport Assessment, Flood Risk Assessments and Surface Water Drainage Strategies to accompany the subsequent planning applications for a hotel, pubs/restaurants, fast-food takeaways and commercial floor space for offices and general industrial purposes.

Glanville has subsequently acted for the landowners in their successful submission of a Reserved Matters application for the development of their land and the discharge of associated planning conditions, preparing a detailed surface water and foul water drainage design.

In addition, the team has been working closely with Oxfordshire County Council to help secure the delivery of a new roundabout on the A4130 in lieu of the approved signal controlled junction. This is part of the Council’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), which will include, amongst other projects, a new bridge over the railway at Didcot A and widening of the A4130 to become a dual carriageway. This new roundabout would not only serve the client’s land but would also open up adjacent land to the east which has an allocation for residential development to be known as North West Valley Park.