Oxford High School, Bardwell Road, Oxford
Glanville helps The Girls Day School Trust, obtain Planning Consent
We are delighted to hear that The Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) has recently received planning consent for their planned improvement works at Oxford High School (OHS) on Bardwell Road in Oxford. The two planning applications included the change in use of a former adjacent office building to educational use (Phase 1) and the provision of a new school hall and entrance building (Phase 2). The successful applications will enable the School to relocate their Pre-Preparatory School to the expanded Preparatory School site to provide a combined site from Reception to Year 6 and improved facilities for the pupils. The proposals involve the erection of an extension to the former office building, a new entrance building, improved landscaping and play areas and the provision of increased cycle parking.
Glanville worked closely with The Girls’ Day School Trust, Oxford High School, Potter Raper, Carter Jonas and LTS Architects to develop the proposals, to inform the proposed cycle parking provision and to respond to concerns from both the Local Highway Authority (LHA) at Oxfordshire County Council and local residents about the increase in traffic resulting from the school’s consolidation and expansion. The potential traffic impact was of particular concern to residents due to the School being located on the same road as two other schools and therefore there was significant concern about the operation of the highway at pupil drop-off and pick-up times.
The planning applications were supported by the provision of a Transport Statement, School Travel Plan and Delivery & Servicing Management Plan.
During the Phase 1 planning application, we undertook detailed liaison with the LHA to develop transport proposals that would be acceptable and would remove their concerns about the potential increase in traffic at school drop-off and pick up times. This included assessing in detail the existing and proposed parking demand on the local streets associated with the school drop-off and pick up times and ensuring that the Travel Plan reflected no increases on the current parking demand following the consolidation of the two Schools. Our support towards this planning application involved both pre-application discussions and responding to queries within the consultation responses to the planning applications submitted by the LHA.
The Didcot and Bristol Glanville Offices have extensive experience supporting planning applications for a wide range of land uses within Oxford and Oxfordshire. We will be delighted to hear from you if there are opportunities to assist on any development proposals that you may have in this area: www.glanvillegroup.com
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