
A420, Kingston Bagpuize, Oxfordshire

Having provided Mactaggart & Mickel with consultancy advice in respect of its successful planning application for development of up to 280 new dwellings on land south of A420, Kingston Bagpuize, Oxfordshire, Glanville has subsequently been responsible for securing Technical Approval for the associated Section 278 highway works package.

Working alongside Bloor Homes following its acquisition of the site, and Oxfordshire County Council as Local Highway Authority, Glanville prepared a package of detailed design information, accompanying Road Safety Audit and Designer’s Response in order to secure approval and allow commencement of construction within a challenging timeframe.

The highway works, which comprise a new ghost island right turn lane on A415 Witney Road, alterations to A415 Witney Road / A420 roundabout, improvements to Oxford Road and provision of new bus stop facilities are nearing completion, following which Glanville will return to site to undertake a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit, identify any snagging items and see the works put onto maintenance.

The image, kindly provided by Tonic Construction Ltd, shows the completion of white lining around A415 Witney Road / A420 roundabout following its night time closure for resurfacing.

Contact Tim Foxall at our Oxfordshire Office