Oxford High School, Bardwell Road, Oxford

Oxford High School, Bardwell Road, Oxford Glanville helps The Girls Day School Trust, obtain Planning Consent We are delighted to hear that The Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) has recently received planning consent for their planned improvement works at Oxford High School (OHS) on Bardwell Road in Oxford. The two planning applications included the change […]
Vulcan Laser Facility, Harwell Campus, Oxford

Refurbishing the Vulcan laser facility to house the world’s most powerful laser Our Structural Engineering team at Glanville are proud to be working on an exciting new project at the Vulcan Laser Facility on the Harwell Campus, Oxford. The facility upgrade project follows The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Central Laser Facility (CLF) being […]
The Old Laundry, Wellington College, Berkshire

Glanville provided civil and structural engineering and transport planning services to the development of the Old Laundry at Wellington College, Berkshire.
Khalsa Primary School, London

The new Khalsa Primary School is a £10m project to build a new 2 form entry Sikh Faith primary school in Ealing, London. The school site is located in the grounds of Norwood Hall which has limited open space due to the number of established trees, historic walled garden and original Mansion House. Glanville’s involvement […]
St Edwards School, Oxford

Glanville provided civil and structural engineering design from RIBA Stage A through to L entailing detailed design, draughting and specification through to site inspection and attendance at all site progress meetings for a new £700k Sports Pavilion within the grounds of this prestigious private school in Oxford. The building is a premier new sports facility […]
Vocational Skills Centre, Reading

A new Vocational Skills Centre at Reading Girls School was built as part of Reading Borough Council’s plans to regenerate post 16 education in South Reading. The vocational subjects offered include hairdressing, beauty, childcare, health & social care, business, travel & tourism and the new centre also provides on-site crèche facilities for students with pre-school […]
Guru Nanak School, Hayes

Glanville was appointed by the Governors of Guru Nanak School in Hayes as Civil and Structural Engineering consultants, to provide a full design service from Stage A through to L for this new extension to an existing school.
University of Gloucestershire, road junction

Work has recently been completed on a major upgrade to a busy junction in Gloucester, designed by Glanville on behalf of University of Gloucestershire.